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Fitness = Exercise and Nutrition (Start Here)

I know you’ve heard it before, and I know there are those of you who struggle with this concept, it’s not a surprise. If we were simple machines who took gas to power, we would probably abide by this rule. It’s prudent to remember that we aren’t simple machines, and that we, as humans, respond to things in a much different manner than simply looking at food as gasoline to power our engines. If there is one thing I want you to take away from reading through these sections, it’s that health and fitness involve listening to yourself, taking note of the changes, and asking yourself how you feel. Fitness comes from working out and proper nutrition, not just one, and not just the other.

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Lifting Basics 1: How to Start

* To make it a habit, you have to do it regularly * Have a goal in mind beforehand (Long Term, Middle Term, Short Term), so that you CAN assess yourself, that way you can see progress! * Increase your weight, or your intensity a little each time * If you miss a day, go right back to the day you should have done, no judging * Mirror, not scale, is your gauge * You are your best competitor, try to be better than yesterday, choose a few things to work on

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How to modify your workouts (Part I)

So, what’s High Intensity Interval Training? What’s a Superset? A Dropset? Rest/Pauses?

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How to modify your workouts (part II)

In the first article, we took a look at 4 bread and butter ways to modify your workout. If you’re still not satisfied, and you want more, here are four additional ones you should take a look at.

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