Leg Press

Muscle Groups Worked:
How to Perform This Exericse:
1) Start in the seated position on a leg sled machine. Your legs should be fully extended against the plate with your feet placed shoulder width apart
2) Keep your butt firmly against the seat, with the backrest adjusted so that your back is firmly against the rest.
3) Slowly bring your legs down as far as is possible or until the balls of your feet touch your butt.
4) Return your legs to the maximally extended position.
Rotating your feet inward, or outward, will somewhat change what part of your quadriceps you are using. Pointing your toes inward will work the inside of your legs, pointing them outward will work the outside of your legs. The higher your feet are on the plate, the more hamstrings you will be using, the lower your feet, the more quadriceps you will be isolating.